Rose & Kim

Rose & Kim

Monday, February 8, 2010

My first day...

As I'm starting this blog, I'm trying to figure out what to write about. Since I never did one of these things before, I've pondered the thought for some time. Then I realized that it's like an open diary. I love to share my experiences and insights with my friends, students and kindred spirits that I meet along my Journey of life. Why not here? So today is my first day!

So much is happening with me right now that I don't even know where to begin. I'm on a new leg in my Journey through Natural Horsemanship. I'm preparing to leave for my 12 week externship at the Pat Parelli Center in Ocala Florida. So much to do and so little time.

I have a daughter I'm helping prepare for college, another daughter that I'm just plain preparing for life at this point (she's 8) and a husband that is not computer friendly and is allergic to paperwork and telephones. Needless to say, I need to prepare them all for my absence. Both mentally, emotionally and physically (yes, I stock piled the pantries, cleaned the house and made sure all the laundry was done). Not to mention the 40 head of horses and farm that I'm leaving behind.

All seems to be coming together and working out fine. As I look forward to the next few weeks, which right now seems so daunting to me, I know it will be a mere blip on my radar screen in time but will have a huge impact on every life that I touch. I'm excited, anxious, many things right now but mostly happy and content.

May the Journey continue.....

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